Colin Powell Center for Policy Students
Dear Gen. Powell,
You've been silent so far, and one must assume that your silence signals assent. In most circumstances, that would be enough, but with all the Obamaslumunistofascists now screaming about McCain's racism, it's time for you to step up and do more.
We need you to lend credibility to the McCain campaign's attacks by doing an ad about how much you covet our white women. By doing so, you'll provide the McCain campaign cover as they proceed more deeply into the Mandingo phase of their campaign.
Sen. McCain needs you. America needs you. This could be your greatest moment, a moment that may even eclipse your declarations about mobile bio-weapons labs. Your moment is now. Seize it!
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.