The Kingsport Times-News reports:
Confederate States Militia blogger GySgt BobA Sweetwater man was sentenced to 60 days in jail for trying to arrest a Monroe County grand jury foreman who refused to indict President Obama on treason charges.
A Madisonville jury on Tuesday found Walter Fitzpatrick III guilty of disrupting a meeting and resisting arrest. He was found not guilty of retaliation and civil rights intimidation.
The Navy veteran on April 1 tried to make a citizen's arrest on the grand jury foreman, contending his chairmanship was illegal. Fitzgerald had wanted Obama indicted because he believes the president is not an American citizen. Obama was born in Hawaii.
HERO & PATRIOT, Lt commander Walter Fitzpatrick U.S. Navy Retired, is being held AGAINST HIS WILL and under EXTREME DURESS, by the corrupt Monroe County Tennessee "NAZI GESTAPO" for questioning the eligibility of the traitorous & evil muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama to hold the office as prez and CIC! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!
Believe it or not, the corrupt "Monroe County Tennessee Gulag & Nazi Gestapo" is located right here in the United States of America, not Communist Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam etc, but right here in the good ole USA!! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!
The "Monroe County Tennessee Gulag & Nazi Gestapo" is a by product of the traitorous & evil muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama, the 111th congress, the SCOTUSCP, federal/state judges, Joint Chiefs of Staff & all high ranking decision making U.S. Military officers!! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!
When I was a kid, folks like Pinkstaff shared their insights (loudly) on street corners and other public venues. Back then, the majority usually ruled that such characters put a sock in it and move on. Due to random distribution, potential followers were generally scarce on the ground.
ReplyDeleteToday's blogosphere has radically changed the world of the paranoid. Nothing enhances (and encourages) the paranoiac's life experience like the anonymous applause and affirmation of a global network of cleverly aliased supporters and sympathizers.
I detect a bit of cut 'n' pasting there. With all the eeeeeeevils of the IslamiKenyaNWOcommie obama (never again will I capitalize its name!) did Pinkstuff have to repeat himself so much? Surely he could have come up with some more damning sentences.
ReplyDeleteAnd more importantly, what's he going to do about it? If you love your country, and Nazi Communist uslurpers are taking it over, how can you call yourself a patriot if you don't do anything about it? If Pinkstaph doesn't immediately turn himself into a human bomb and blow his pink bits all over Monroe County like he was some displaced Moslamaniac in a Swedish pedestrian mall, I'll just have to conclude he's nothing more than an Cheeto patriot, a mombasement warrior, a quivering Quisling whose courage doesn't go any further than his fingertips. Maybe he should change his name to Yellowstaff, eh?
Ole Pinksnuff's going to be pissed: a friend of mine just did a tour of Russia, and strangely he noted that the standard of (democratic) life there was better than the bombed-out tobacco road communities he drives through going from the boarder to NYC, let alone the urban ghettos.
ReplyDeleteGood fer nothing commies...
That might be so, JoeViz, but can Russia's dictator sing rock 'n' roll better than a Western one can? And what does Obama sing, aside from the Kenyan National Anthem?
ReplyDeleteYou know, I was all like, this guy is nuts until he hit the third NWO reference. Then I was all like, wait a second, he's right. Obama is a nazi communist islamic athiest.
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced.
Is this a bad time to bring up the sinister horror of fluoridated water? I'll take my answer off the air.
ReplyDeleteSCOTUSCP? What does the CP stand for - Communist Party? Constipation Prevention?
ReplyDeleteNWO? Nonsense. We’re talking about ZOG. Am I right or am I right. Exactly.
ReplyDeleteNWO? I thought obama was an NWA.
ReplyDeleteNWO is just ZOG spelled sideways. Seriously -- look at it! The "N" is a zed turned 90 degrees, and the "W" is a slanty kinda G. It's typical of how those sneaky ZOGgers roll.
ReplyDeleteAnd Buttermilsky, co-Presidents Boner and McCongeal have already started beating the attitude out of Obama. He's stepping and fetching for them before they've even officially taken over the legislative and executive branches. By the time he's impeached in 2012, I bet Obama will be Orange-bama.
General, Sir:
ReplyDeleteShouldn't Grumpy Sergeant Pinkstub be signing off with USMC(Retired)WB&BKSRLM*?
*Whackaloon Birther & Batshit Krazzee Shithouse Rat Life Member
General, Sir:
ReplyDeleteShit, wow, shit! I missed it first time through. It's GAY Sergeant Pinkstump, no wonder how come he's all pissed off!!
Personally, I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of investigation on the part of Pinko. At no point in his otherwise balanced article did he mention the Illuminati' influence nor the intrusive biological experiments on unwitting Sweetester residents by the Greys.