The Iraqi Threat
Chuck at Little Green Footballs writes: "Neither the protester holding this sign nor the Reuters copy editor who captioned the photo have any idea of the historical significance of its message, or what it says about the so-called 'anti-war movement.'” I couldn't have said it better myself. The threat posed by Saddam's Iraq is exactly that posed by Hitler's Germany in 1938.
Certainly, no country can be expected to stand up against the sheer force of Saddam's panzer divisions and luftwaffe when -- and that is a "when"-- he launches his blitzkrieg. I cannot believe that anyone who has any understanding of history could stand by silently as Saddam prepares to march his crack Baathist shock troops to reoccupy the Northern no-fly zones. Today it may be Mosul, but tomorrow it will be Warsaw. This formidable Iraqi war machine must be stopped now.
The power of their respective war machines isn't the only similarity between Saddam's Iraq and Hitler's Germany. Both are led by strong virile men with mustaches. They embody the manly values of strength and power. There is something very seductive about manly men. Something that I can't quite put a finger on but it's certainly has to do with power and strength and body hair and well defined muscles. That's the thing about evil. It's just so attractive. These liberal sissy-men just don't understand that. They just can't understand the attraction manliness has for manly men. They don't understand evil. That's why they are so unwilling to fight it.