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Friday, April 16, 2004

The Manly Man party has a Manly Man Mano e Mano over Who is the Manliest Moonie

From the Courier-Journal News in Louisville, KY:
A battle for control of the Jefferson County Republican Party turned physical last weekend, after an argument that one GOP delegate said left him with a bruised arm.

It goes on to describe one Manly Man refusing to vote for another because the latter used to be a homosexual. The former also accused the latter of being a "Moonie," a member of the Unification Church.

It's hard to choose a favorite part of this story, but I rather enjoyed this exchange:

Hayes said: "I asked him how come you didn't do the right thing, and he said, `It's because you're a Moonie and I don't want to work with you.' Then, he started saying, `Moonie, Moonie, Moonie, Moonie, Moonie.'"

Lawlor recalled saying only "Moonie, Moonie, Moonie."

It appears that more than just one conservative was unhappy with how the Republican slates were chosen. This article mentions a lawsuit that was thrown out for naming the wrong defendents.

Peter Hayes is revealed to be a switch-hitter in the first link, but is revealed here as switching parties as well [5th paragraph from end].