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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Reuniting America

Don't listen to the doomsayers. The current situation in Iraq is the best thing that's happened to America since 9-11. Remember that day? Remember how it united America? We're going to see a lot more of that kind of unification very soon.

Our Leader deserves the credit for that. After all, it was his policies that prompted Viceroy Bremmer to shut down a dissident Shi'i newspaper, thus sparking what has become the Iraqi Intifada. It was his policies that fueled the resulting disorder when a murder warrant was issued against Muqtada al-Sadr. It was his policies that drove the al-Mahdi Army recruitment efforts by introducing neutral Iraqis to the concept of collective punishment.

Our ally, Arial Sharon, the Shade of Shatilla, deserves to be credited with an assist. His ongoing campaign to make Hamas the preeminent power in Palestinian politics is on the brink of success. The secular-minded Fatah politicians will soon step aside as the Islamists of Hamas become the voice and the sword of the Palestinian people.

And it's not your father's Hamas. It is a radicalized organization, an extremist organization pushed even furter to the extreme, an organization seething with hatred for those who executed its most revered cleric as he was wheeled out of his mosque in a wheelchair, an organization that has become an international force, exerting influence into Faluja, Kut, and Baghdad.

That is where we are today.

Tomorrow, we will have unity. We will be a single people again, united in tragedy. Because tomorrow, we turn Muqtada al-Sadr into a martyr. Tomorrow, we back Sharon's plan to seize large portions of the West Bank. Tomorrow, we turn The War in Terrorism into The War on Islam. Tomorrow, we become jihadis.