Dear Archbishop Burke,
I want to thank you for invoking Canon Law 915 to deny communion to John Kerry. I'm saddened that the apostates in Boston failed to heed it on the day that celebrates our Savior's reanimation.
Unfortunately, there are many other Catholic senators who ignore the Holy Father's authority. In fact, not a single serving Catholic senator has introduced legislation to outlaw the use of contraception. I think we both agree that it is their duty to do so. Contraception, after all, is as much a sin as abortion.
These senators might argue, as did Kerry, that their religious beliefs should be kept separate from their public duties. If so, we should direct them to the Catholic Herald:
This position says to the public that the immorality of contraception is just a "religious issue" and not something that degrades the human dignity of every person. It?s like saying that we as Catholics should be exempted for contraceptive requirements but we don't have any problem with the rest of society violating itself.
Contraception is very much a public issue because it effects the common good of society. The Church's teaching against contraception in Humanae Vitae is based on a natural law understanding of the purpose marriage and conjugal union. Because human nature is universal, contraception hurts everyone, not just Catholics.
So as Catholics we have an obligation, unpopular as it may be, to work against the promotion of contraception in public policy at all levels. And it doesn?t matter whether the form of contraception is abortifacient or not. It still violates human dignity, and it undermines society.
I suggest that you should start with a couple of Republican senators. It will clear the air of the stench of partisanship that hung so heavy over your Kerry remarks. Senators Rick Santorum and Sam Brownback, both Catholics, would make great first targets.
Please give it your immediate consideration,
heterosexually yours,
General JC Christian, Patriot