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Monday, June 07, 2004

The kids are alright

Dear Jason,

Congratulations on being named Top Conservative Student Activist by the Young America's Foundation. You deserve it. Your leadership of the Roger Williams University College Republicans has been exemplary.

I loved your latest issue of The Hawks Right Eye (pdf). I'd like to make a few comments about my favorite articles. Perhaps you could pass them on to the authors.

First let's look at your article, White Scholarship Revisited. In it, you take RNC Chair Ed Gillespie to task for his remarks about the whites only scholarship you awarded awhile back. It's an excellent article, and I loved the line where you noted that Gillespie may smell like an elephant but he has "tiny balls and no spine."

However, I think your thesis is wrong. The party is not getting soft on minorities. Bigotry is still an important Republican value. In the last week alone, we've seen Republican Congressmen slighting both Indians and Latinos.

Sure, Gillespie is trying to sell the idea that we feel sorry for minorities because they aren't white, but don't worry, that's really as far as our commitment to tolerance goes. Bigotry is still just as Republican as a no-bid contract. If you don't believe me, ask any RNC committeeman for his daughter's hand in marriage and just see how quickly you become an "unlawful combatant." There's a very thin line between "token of our commitment to diversity" and "threat to our way of life" in today's party.

And then there's Woman! Know Thy Place by Monique Stuart. Monique reminds me of a younger, female version of the characters played by Stepin Fetchit in the old movies. It's good to see a woman who understands the violence feminism has done to the position of women in our society.

I also enjoyed Monique's title graphic depicting a strong, masculine man lifting a women from a kneeling position by her hair. That's the kind of image I think we'd all like to share with our daughters.

Eric Fournier's piece, Rush to judgment, is one of the best defenses of Rush I've read anywhere. The way he defended Rush's comments about minority quarterbacks by attacking the NFL for hiring black coaches was absolutely masterful. He'll make a great Republican Congressman someday.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

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