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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Lose One but Win it Anyway

The French bloggers have been having a jour de champs with this tale of a rotten employee who sassed her liege lord and was taken up by The Pretender. Head on over to any of their sites of sedition and see them crow about how compassionate and caring they are.

Well, here's the GOOD news. An update by the disloyalist's newspaper ran something by that none of those French sites caught. Remember, we might refer to them as "liberal media," but be clear, they are owned by the right people.
Barrett C. Shelton Jr.
The article provided the little troublemaker's address! Now any jackbooted thug, excuse me, loyalists to the Emperor, can find their way to Lynne Gobbell's house and let her know personally what they think of her actions.

We thank the Decatur Daily for staying on message. The founder of that paper believed "man should have a job" but never said anything about women. Lynne Gobbel should stay at home, and if she needs to feed her family, then she should wait for some compassionate conservatives to take care of her.

Update: Quite a hullaballoo in Reports to the General on this story, with celebrity appearances. The Decatur Daily removed their history page today (their online forum was removed for other unrelated problems, but the "L" word was mentioned). The former was referenced by this very article (and is still in Google). Maybe some of their readers wanted to know why Phil Geddes' address was not also provided for their convenience. You never know, some loyalist might be organizing a fundraiser for Phil and needs to deliver a check to the right house. And perhaps their readers want to share their love with the Publisher, the General Manager, or the Editor who made the decision to release full street addresses against their own policy. Shouldn't their homes be listed in case Our Leader wants to bestow a few awards personally?

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