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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Rooting Out Treason in our Schools

Another Teresa Treasonette discovered: A Madison, Wisconsin eighth-grader named Rachel Morris repeatedly refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance! Despite the kindly intervention of both her teacher and her principal, the little traitor would not honor her country or its flag by standing at attention and reciting the loyalty oath. The Red Diaper Baby rebuffed her homeroom teacher, Brian Chesick, when he asked her to stand, and when he asked her why, she cheekily told him she didn't have to give a reason! Additional reporting now shows that Miss Morris has been at odds with proper patriotic behavior since kindergarten.

Principal Cindy Guell said that Rachel, who is new to the district (and no doubt to our American way of life!) took quick action. First she publicly summoned Rachel to her office over the intercom for an assessment of her patriotic levels and religious beliefs. It was quickly established that Morris had none of the latter (and by definition, was lacking in the former). Guell had the next day's pledge preceded by a reminder that "The reason we stand is to honor our country." Oddly, Guell denied this was an attempt to coerce Rachel into complying, even though any red-blooded school administrator would do exactly that! Guell claimed the statement was to "clarify the issue for other students," who quickly singled out the little Communist. Said Rachel: "It was embarrassing because people kept looking at me like I didn't honor my country."

The atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation has now stuck its snout into this clearcut case of disloyalty. Morris' refusal to submit to her country and its symbol, the flag, is based in rejection of Our God, His Son and Our Leader! Furthermore, her family asked the atheists to harass the school district, demanding that their lack of religion be equated to True Beliefs! And the FFRF have named Morris its 2004 "Student Activist of the Year," which includes a $1,000 cash scholarship. Pledge opponent Michael Newdow fittingly will also appear at this convention of cozenage.

As happens all too often in stories like these, Principal Guell was forced by West Bend Superintendent Randal Eckart to back down. All schools in the district are now required to announce that ""America stands for freedom, and students have the right to rise or stay seated and participate or not participate as they wish." Fortunately Eckart refuses to accede to the Morris family's preposterous demand for an apology.

A bizarre note to this tale: in 2001 a state law required all public schools to impress either the pledge or the national anthem daily. Yet the law (which must have been written by Demoncrats) says students cannot be forced to participate. This atrocious legal compromise then triggered an uproar in the Madison School District when the School Board directed schools to use only the anthem to comply. Board members were concerned that the "under God" clause and other aspects of the pledge would offend some students. The board reversed itself after a justifiable backlash in support of the pledge.

We salute Principal Guell for recognizing that "participation is not required" is just a open door to sedition and for upholding Silverbrook Middle School's philosophy.

via Les Jenkins and John Hoke

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