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Sunday, December 19, 2004

An idea all true patriots will love

My inner Frenchman's inner patriot, Ernest J, likes to post to the GOP Team Leader Board (scroll down). Bugmenot has logins and passwords and Major Renato, a Christian's Christian, has posted his own in the comments.

Update-- More comments at the GOP Team Leader Board:

ErnestJ 12-19-2004 3:52:12 PM
The more I think about the heart-eating idea, the more I like it. Maybe the President should do it too. Imagine him starting out a speech to the UN by eating an Iraqi prisoner's heart and smearing the blood all over his face. I bet the French would step into line after that.

Major Christian 12-19-2004 3:25:02 PM
ErnestJ, I like the cut of your jib. It's about time we stopped mollycoddling these Iraqis in Abu Ghraib, and really show them we mean business. Only by killing those who don't like us, can we liberate the Iraqis and show them the meaning of democracy, peace and freedom.

Update two--And more:

Major Christian 12-19-2004 4:08:25 PM
I'm concerned that Mr. Rumsfeld has publicly announced his decision to personally sign the death notices of our American boys. This can only give aid and comfort to the enemy.

There's no need to call attention to the fact that our soldiers in Iraq are dying in larger numbers each month than the last. That only plays into the hands of the Liberals and terrorists. The next thing you know, he'll start showing up at their funerals, or welcoming their transfer tubes as they land back at home. That can only lead to media attention, and the next thing you know, it's all over the TV news.

At least our boys over there who aren't killed, but just lose a limb or two, or are only burned, blinded, or paralyzed, or perhaps concussed and brain-damaged, still receive a plain rubber-stamped signature on their notification letters.
There's literally thousands, far too many of them for Mr. Rumsfeld to start signing all of their notifications by hand, and he's a busy man.

Update three--It's going to be impossible to update all of the fine comments coming into the GOP Team Leader board, so if you see a good one, please repost it in my comments for those who can't access the TL site.

Update Four Not everyone's on board:

forHim 12-19-2004 7:34:28 PM
I am against heart-eating in any form. And I have never put underwear on my head. However, when there is a war, people do die. It is a fact of life...

ErnestJ 12-19-2004 7:54:00 PM
...We all supported AG nominee Gonzales' torture memos. I think we can get behind a little human sacrifice and heart-eating to support the war.

You're either with us or against us.