I received an alert today from the Gun Owners of America. They're asking us to contact Our Leader and express dissappointment about his choice of Alberto Gonzales to serve as our new Inquisitor General. According to GOA, Gonzales supports a prohibition on semi-automatic rifles.
Unfortunately, contacting Our Leader is not enough. We need to contact our Senators and ask them to vote against Gonzales. That's especially true for those of you who have Republican Senators. If enough people call them, they will ask the President to look a little deeper into Gonzales' past to see if he has a nanny problem.
It's also important that you take this message to conservative and pro-gun blogs, so that we can create a groundswell against this gun-grabber.
You can find your Senators' contact info here, and as long as you're contacting them anyway, let them know how you feel about Secretary of State nominee Ofgeorge.
GOA's email is too long to post here, but my inner Frenchman has posted the text on his site.