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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Niche marketing

Christopher Ruddy
CEO, NewsMax

Dear Mr. Ruddy,

After reading an article at NewsMax today, I decided to click on the advertisement links to see what wares you're offering to your readers. It was an interesting mix of products--one that I've seen nowhere else. Of the sixteen ads, five touted male enhancement products and seduction secrets, four promoted books and videotapes on street fighting, and five tempted readers with the secrets of instant wealth.

As I considered this rather unconventional mix, I suddenly realized that all of these ads are based on a central theme: impotence. "You're nothing, you little wimp," the ads seem to scream, "buy our product and you'll become a real man."

At that moment, I realized that I am not alone--there are others who lost their little soldiers in the Klinton Wars--so many others in fact, that a popular web-based news organization has become a marketing Mecca for angry, impotent, conservative men like myself. You've found your niche.

I found two of the fighting ads particularly appealing. The first, for something described as Politically Incorrect Fitness & Fighting Instruction, promises to teach you how to "Beat the Hell Out of People That Are Supposed to Be Too Big and Too Strong" and offers the secrets of "a classic hand-to-hand fighting technique that destroys a person's shoulder." How could anyone resist buying such a product?

The second ad touts a video series called Fight Fast. The pop-up window describes it thusly (Does that word sound kind of homosexual to you? I hope not):

"The Stunning Israeli Connection:
All-New Short-Cut Lethal Hand-To-Hand Fighting System (That FREAKS OUT Even Hardcore U.S. Soldiers) Finally Revealed By Top Israeli Combat Veteran!"

So harsh and effective, this never-before-revealed system has battle-hardened U.S. Spec Op soldiers shaking their heads in respect and awe... so new and exciting, this "first peek" at "hidden" Israeli combat secrets is sending shockwaves through the martial arts world!

(Dateline, Visalia, CA) -- You know what the difference is between a so-so fighting system (which can give you false confidence)... and one that guarantees you will have the skills to obliterate anyone who gets in your face?

The difference is...

Real, Blood-On-Your-Hands

Man, I'm buying this video. I'd hate to be the next guy who complains that I didn't put enough fries in his super-sized extra-value meal.

Anyway, thanks for all you're doing to help those of us who were emasculated by Klinton's treachery. I hope other conservative sites follow suit. After all, you've proven that we're their natural demographic.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot