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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Our Leader is our shepherd

Dear Bushfish Company,

The unchurched tremble when they see your bushfish on my pickup. They know that they will soon be made to atone for their wickedness. It makes me feel powerful, like I am an agent of the Holy Inquisition among the Jews of Isabella's Spain.

Their fear of Our Leader's holy wrath is palpable. They understand that although the rack is gone, Our Leader has no qualms about using the electrodes and glowsticks of redemption.

Fear is his missionary. Only the most foolhardy would oppose conversion by a man who disappears children and demands that the heads of his enemies be brought to him packed in dry ice.

I thank God for sending him to bring the word of Jesus to our nation and the world.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot

A tip of the helmet to reader Lawrence for alerting us to the bushfish.

Update: Crooks and Liars has video of the CIA agent talking about Our Leader's lust for head.