The magnitude of the association between HPV and cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CERVICAL CANCER) is higher than that for the association between smoking and lung cancer.
Now, with that knowledge, who could possibly be AGAINST an HPV vaccine?
Pia de Solenni, director of life and women's issues for the conservative Family Research Council, states: "If a 10- or 12-year-old is given a vaccine to protect against sexually transmitted disease, then it's implied they'd be engaging in risky sexual behavior." Robert Knight, director of the culture and family institute for the conservative Concerned Women for America, says that "It enters into the area of parental rights and individual freedom."
And Bridget Maher, an analyst at the conservative Family Research Council, states that "The best way to prevent HPV is through abstinence... I see potential harm in giving this vaccine to young women." In another interview, Mahler opines that "Giving the HPV vaccine to young women could be potentially harmful, because they may see it as a licence to engage in premarital sex."
So, we have a way to PREVENT millions of cases of HPV (about 630 million people are currently infected), as well as a way to prevent CANCER, but certain bible-banging morons equate HEALTH with MORALITY. I.E., if you get laid, you don't deserve to be HEALTHY while you do it.
Am I the only one having flashbacks to the '80s?
This has gone beyond an "epidemic."
And no it's not as dangerous as the still-horrifying AIDS crisis worldwide, but it can still kill millions of women.
(I was also going to post a full-blown color picture of genital warts, but I promised the General that I'd TRY to behave... Hey, a link is NOT the same thing as FRONT-PAGE POSTING, dammit!)
BUT: Ask your state's Department of Health & Hospitals (or whatever they call it where you live) WHEN the innoculation will be available, and if they have no plans to even TEST this vaccine in your area, Why in the FUCK *NOT*?!??!?!!
Your kids will thank you. And their future loved ones will thank you, too.