National Director, Generation Life
Dear Miss Swindell,

I hadn't realized that communism was still so strong in this country until you pointed out that "it's communists that (sic) hate President Bush and Judge Alito." I thought you might be overstating it a little bit at first, but after thinking about it for a while, it's very probable that over half of our nations citizens are communists. It would sure explain why Hank at the feed store wears that "F#ck the Bourgeoisie" tee shirt and why the guys at the coffee shop are always arguing the merits of a popular, proletarian-based revolution versus one led my a small cadre of politically reliable intellectuals.
But what do we do with this knowledge now that we have it? Do you want us to make lists of possible communists in our communities? Should we be reporting them to the FBI. Perhaps you could give us guidance in your next blog post.
I am a heterosexual,
General JC Christian, patriot
Update: Russ has more on our Princess Talibania.
*I used the words "compelled birth movement" in the original email to Miss Swindell, but I like Rick Perlstein's term "forced childbirth lobby" better, so I stole it.