Chuck isn't the only American gentile in the mix. John Cox and Allen Forkum of Cox and Forkum--goyim so goyish they think a knish is an effeminate basketball player--are in the running for two awards as well.
So how does a trio of gentiles get nominated for (and in Chuck's case, win) a best "Jewish and Israeli" blog award. Well from what I can see, being either Jewish or Israeli isn't as important being politically in line with about ten percent of the Jews in the United States. That is to say you must be almost almost genocidal in your support of Israel. I'll admit that 10 percent is a guess, but I think it's a good one. While most Jews support Israel, I doubt that more than 10 percent would consider genocide or ethnic cleansing as desirable methods for achieving security. Even the General won't go that far. From what I've seen at the JIB nominated websites, the majority of the nominees are eager to collectively punish brown people as viciously as possible. That might not be in line with the thinking of most Jews, but I guess that isn't the point of these awards.
Sure there are exceptions, like DovBear, jewschool and a few others, but most of the nominees are like Best Jewish Humor Award contestant Aaron's CC, the blog that gave the world Rachel Corrie pancake jokes. That's just the beginning. A stroll through the list of Chuck's competitors will lead you to jewels like the following.
Only in Israel's caption for a photo showing soldiers beating a brown person:
That kinda gives a new interpretation to "go back to where you came from".
Smooth Stone stands up for Pat:
Folks, I am still surprised at the raging near-global disapproval of Pat Robertson's comment about Ariel Sharon on his program Â?The 700 ClubÂ?.
So far, all that Pat Robertson has done was quote a biblical principal. God explicitly promised in the Torah that He would have a constant, 24/7 connection with the Land of Israel and those who dwell here: "A land that the Lord your God scrutinizes constantly; the eyes of the Lord your God are on it from the beginning of the year until the end of the year." -- Deut. 11:12.
One thing is clear to me: G-d has blessed Israel by re-uniting Jerusalem and bringing Judea, Samaria and Gaza back under its control. Based on what our sages teach us, it is a horrendous sin against G-d to renounce this inheritance to which Israel is entitled. Israel holds these lands as a sacred trust for the Jewish people in perpetuity.
In a post titled "Donating organs to the enemy," Soccer Dad responds to the news that a the family of a brown child killed by Israeli troops donated his organs to Israelis:
And in what circumstances did those minors die? Ahmed, was carrying a toy rifle in a place where the Israeli army was operating. Hardly a wise decision. And even if Israel apologizes, was it wrong for the Israeli soldiers to shoot first and ask questions later?
Mugata tells hitchiking tales:
Besides its pikuach nefesh to pick up a unarmed teenager by say tzomat eli at 11 at night. Because i have spent the night there... not to mention there are wild pigs there (the animals and the arabs)
Zion Report gives us a lesson in Democracy that could have come straight out of one of Our Leader's speeches:
You consistently hear Israelis brag about how allowing Arabs to hold Knesset seats displays our goodness. I disagree. I think it's a display of weakness, and I know that our enemies see it as such.
To allow a sworn enemy, who actively supports the destruction of the nation who pays his salary, to maintain his position is suicidal at best.
I'll admit that after learning that gentiles like Chuck and the forkum boys were up for these awards, I was a little dissappointed about being overlooked. But now that I have a better understanding of the selection criteria, I know that I'll make it next year if I can only hate brown people just a little bit more.