Help Me Reach 12 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mirror Images

Two posters from the same comment thread:

FUCK THE AY-RABS! FUCK THE AY-RABS! Kill all 1.3 billion of them, take their fucking oil and feed their carcasses to the pigs! The ay-rab pussies havent beaten the western powers in a major battle in the last 2 thousand years. They are only falling farther behind with their antiquated culture and backward thinking. Death to the pathetically powerless ay-rabs!!!!
A good ol' boy | 07.19.06 - 8:41 pm | #

A good ol' boy, read the Old Testament in your jew-book. You are considered an animal in your own doctrine, Yahweh and Son Inc.
Countrolled by Hatred | 07.19.06 - 8:31 pm | #