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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"Aborting the unliving"

The following was posted in my comments by the god-fearing niece of one of the sponsors of South Dakota's Forced Childbirth Act. I won't identify her because I'm not sure she's an adult.

Not one person here personally knows my aunt, Sen. Julie Bartling. Her mother did have 12 children, my mom included. These children were raised properly and had a life full of love and happiness. Comments on Ms. Blanche Maison remark about keeping my grandmothers legs shut is none of her business. However shutting her mouth is. But then again I've come from a family where respect is given and received unlike her. At some point these horrible comments about family has to stop. No one knows Julie's family and no one should make any comments either, considering her family has nothing to do with the decisions the South Dakota legislative makes.

The South Dakota legislative is made up of more than one person, keep that in mind while you post bashings against one senator. The firm believer in God that I am, I believe the South Dakota State Legistlate is making a step into the right direction. Everyone should get a chance to live.

But I do see where everyone is coming from, I mean saying negative things on a stupid bashing site is really going to make a difference. You are represented by people that you elect. For example, George Bush is the president of our country. It makes more since to support the troops of our country and fight for the freedom and respect of our country.

These people have the education and intelligence to make decisions for our country, and while you're sitting here on an internet site getting ready for lame job everyday think of the position you are in and compare it to them. I think they may have gotten farther in life.

I read these comments and think "how pathetic". These comment are suppose to change minds, but they are handled in such an hostile way. So before posting such rediculas comments, one might stop and think about how immuture these adults sound while writing these things. I have read over these postings a few times and none of them have a purpose. Not one has a reason to why we should abort the unliving and why it's Julie's fault. These postings have no logic to them and make no difference in the choices being made. After I read these I think how unprofessional this matter is handled. Now ask yourself, did these comments change your mind?

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