Savage Nation,
Dear Mr. Savage,

Of course, you could have probably avoided all of this if you had shown them your other side, the part of you that wrote mash notes to Allen Ginsburg. I'm sure they'd have been more forgiving if you told them of your desire to shove a camera up Ginsberg's butt to photograph his rectum or how you thought of the late poet as you played "finger games" with "a little-known black brother." But I guess it's too late for that now.
Perhaps you should look into signing with the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute or the Young Americans foundation. They keep Ann Coulter busy despite her homophobia and frequent calls to murder public officials.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Update: The old links to the mash notes are dead. I suspect Stanford U. objected to gifs of the letters being placed on the internets tubes. After a little searching, I found a link where the camera letter is discussed.
Michael Savage to Allen Ginsberg:
Watched a tourist from New Zealand taking pictures of Fijian people in the marketplace [and] thought of inserting my camera's lens in your A-hole to photograph the walls of your rectum. I really do apologize but the thought did occur.
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