Police Sergeant, Investigations
Joint Terrorism Task Force
University of Minnesota Police
Dear Sgt. Swanson,

First, do I have to eat the vegan food? Would it be ok if I just brought a baloney sandwich with me? I could put it on that whole wheat bread the hippies like so much.
I have sandals, a tie-died shirt, bellbottom pants, and a Beatles wig I bought back when I volunteered to infiltrate the Raging Grannies. I never went through with it then, because the FBI demanded that I remove the sacred symbol of my office, my cop mustache. There's no way I'm going to do that. It took me a long time to grow, and in order to fill in the sparse spots, I had to super-glue-in thousands of tiny strands of hair I gathered by shaving my dog, Butch. While it might be nice to not smell dog whenever I shower or wash my face, I don't want to go through that process again. I'm sure you understand.
Finally, I want to make sure that we're only going after protesters and not actual delegates to the convention. I do not want to be assigned to toe-tapping duty in restrooms at the Minneapolis Airport. Not only would it require me to rat out virtually the entire delegations of South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kansas, I would be required to sitzpinkel and that would be a violation of my religious beliefs.
Please respond soon.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.