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Sunday, March 15, 2009

There's no such thing as a good Canadian

Billy Bob Neck on Furriners:


  1. Billybob, you had me at "unitarian." I say we dig a canal from Maine straight through to Washington state (call it the Rio Grande del Norte maybe) and watch them fall off into the Arctic Ocean. I've checked a map, this would totally work.

  2. My inner Frenchwoman and I agree, for once. This guy is RIGHT.

  3. I hear the theme song for The George W Two Terms Mandate Bush Freedom Insteetoot.

  4. Thank you, thank you, general, this really clears a lot of things up. Now, I think I understand, these people are crazy.

  5. Ouch, I'm wounded!?!?!? ROTFLMAO............

  6. Any country whose bums wear ties are a threat to American Values. Where do I sign up for the war?

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Just when I thought this thing was just some kinda website making funna good, honest, non-homo Christians like me and Mrs. Neck, y'all come around and do the right thing.

    God bless ya!

  8. Is that guy serious?


We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.