Associate Professor of Psychology
Wheaton College
Dear Dr. Struthers,

That's right, I wrote "unnaturally rubbing their naughty little sailors in a boat." You see what I'm getting at. We both know there ain't no such a thing as a sailor in a boat. It's a damned lie the femislamunistofascists made up to poison our wives against us.
But today, I saw that you wrote this blurb for Dirty Girls Ministries founder, Crystal Renaud's book, "Dirty Girls Come Clean:"
The stories it chronicles are a reminder to us that sexual temptations are not just a ‘guy’ thing...Dirty Girls will be shocking to some, but the hope that is offered within it makes it a must read for those who want to take these issues head on.You make it sound like it's a very, uh, exciting read....yeah...uh...yeah, exciting. Oh man, I don't give a damn if it's a damned lie, I want a copy...or better yet, a video...oh yeah, a video. Can you help me out with that?
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
A tip of the ol' helmet to reader GL.