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Monday, February 24, 2003

Monty Python Goes To War

In a time when so many Hollywood celebrities are speaking out against the war, it's nice to see one supporting his leader's efforts to begin the smiting . Yesterday, a letter from former Monty Python member Terry Jones appeared in the Observer, a paper mostly read by foreigners. The letter praised the Prince of England, Tony Blair, for supporting our great president, George W. Bush, Leader of the Free World Except For People Who Aren't Americans or Democrats.

Jones writes:
    Tony Blair's dedication to carrying out the policies of the White House proves time and again that he has the courage of their convictions. He is prepared to back Mr Bush's arguments to the hilt even when they are palpably nonsensical. When Mr Bush cites Saddam Hussein's contempt for UN Security Council resolutions as the justification for his own determination to do the same, Tony Blair urges the President's case, for all the world as if he couldn't see the ridiculousness of it. When Mr Bush cites Iraq's failure to comply with UN Security Council resolutions as the reason for going to war, Mr Blair backs him up, boldly ignoring the fact that Turkey and Israel have got away with ignoring UN resolutions for years.
Tell me. Who could ask for a better ally than that. Blair is willing to do whatever our great president asks. We need more like him. There's nothing wrong with a manly man keeping a submissive man around. You see it all the time in the old gladiator movies. I love gladiator movies. I have an extensive collection.