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Monday, December 06, 2004

Oh the Lord has pretty teeth dear, and he shows them pearly white

A few good Christian folks have written the General about the "Tools to Fight Back!" advertisement in my right sidebar. They are concerned that some of the products--the "Darwin Fish" and "ProCreation" car plaques, specifically--make a mockery of the official icon of Red America, the "Jesus Fish."

I decided that I'd better check it out, so I wrote the owner of the company and asked her for an explanation. She assured me that although many of her customers are Godless Frenchmen, a few good God-fearing Christian conservatives patronize the site as well, noting that they are particularly fond of the shark plaque.

Although we created the Shark as a satirical statement about the religious right's aggression, there are people on the right who actually buy it because they agree with what it represents. Apparently they don't get the humor in it...

She also pointed me to the site's letters section, and sure enough, conservative Christians are very interested in the wares. Here are a few of their comments:

I find it interesting that the Christian symbol representing the faith of fisherman and the miraculous multiplication of fish has sprouted legs to become a serpent. That the religous symbol representing a symbol of faith become adopted as a religous symbol of science. Atheism needs its It is an apt symbol this serpent. The evolution story has correctly recognized it's rightful place adopting the character in another common story of creation. It is even more interesting to see these serpents on cars with pro-abortion stickers. It is as if the strange imaginary creature feeds on babies. It was not too long ago that another Christian symbol was disfigured by people of similar free-thought. They called their symbol a "swaztika".

Joe Wheeler


This is one of the most liberal websites I have ever been to. Not only are you people ignorant of the Christian Faith, you still find a way to bash President Bush. All you democrats are the same, bitching about everything in the world. Just stick to the things you know best, gay-marriage, minority rights, and jew loving.


Drew - Houston, Texas

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