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Monday, January 10, 2005

My fellow patriots at the Free Republic Comment on the Salvador Option

As usual, the patriots at the Free Republic, acting in their role as the vanguard of the Glorious Christian Cultural Revolution, provide us with the best analysis of Our Leader's death squad initiative.

Just imagine the day when frightened terrorists would be voluntarily reporting to Abu Ghraib (for their own protection) and even bring their own panties with them. That would be a true Victory day.

This seems like an idea whose time is long overdue.

We should have started this as soon as the first car bombs started going off. I also don't believe that we're losing, but by fighting a PC war with gloves on we are losing a lot of brave troops needlessly.

In the immortal words of Hedley LaMarr:
"Kinky. But I like it!"

Worked well in Latin America, for all the crocodile tears shed about it now.

American interrogation techniques are too demeaning, we should be more humane and just kill them.

No, can't have that! This is against the Geneva Convention, or so the bleeding heart liberals told me!

we have to be more ruthless than they are.

What is an army but a "death squad"? You fight a war with the tactics and materiel appropriate to the situation and the goals. It's not like politics inside a democratic country that is operating by its rules.

But I like the assassination squads groove.

We could just save alot of time, money, and US lives by blowing up sunni mosques on Fridays.

Until none are left.

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