Update II: The Freepers had it removed from Amazon.
My review of It Takes a Family by Rick Santorum hasn't been posted at Amazon yet, but here it is:
This book may save my marriage
My life was miserable before I read this book. My wife, Ofjoshua, refused to submit to my patriarchal authority. She disobeyed my directives and flaunted her independence in front of the pastor. Fueled by Cosmo-induced size fantasies, she openly mocked my little soldier's stature by calling me Sir Lackawanger.
I just finished reading a few sections of the book to her, I think things will be different now. She agrees with the Senator about the proper role of women. Indeed, she said that she wants to quit her job to stay at home. I can't believe it. She was so excited she couldn't stop talking about how she'll have that tall neighbor with all the muscles come over and till her garden.
I have Sen. Santorum's book to thank for that. I can't recommend it enough.
My reviews of other books at Amazon.
And one that was pulled.