Pastor Steven L Anderson
Faithful Word Baptist Church
Dear Pastor Anderson,
Please accept my entry for your Darwinistofascist Art Contest. I hope it complies with the rules you set out in your video. It was hard for me to concentrate on what you were saying because I was distracted by fleeting glimpses of your manly bulge. It's a fine and Godly bulge you have there . Our Lord, Jesus, has surely blessed you.
Uh...anyway, as I was saying, I had a hard time concentrating on what you were saying, but I think I heard you say something about dinosaurs turning onto chicken--hence, my entry, Jesus Turns a Dinosaur Onto Chicken.
I hope you like it. I tried to keep it as historically accurate as possible, although I'm not sure if Chick-fil-A had a franchise in Bethlehem back in Jesus' day. Still, they hate the homosexualists as much as you do, so I'm sure Jesus prefers them to KFC.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot