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Monday, November 19, 2012

Sometimes Defending Family Values Means Taking Teens to Canada to Film Porn

Alan Sears
President, CEO, and General Counsel
Alliance Defending Freedom

Dear Mr. Sears,

I've been following your battle to bar Colleen Francis from using the women's locker room at Washington's Evergreen State College. Certainly, the "young girls," as you describe these co-eds, must experience a tremendous amount of trauma when they peek through the curtains and see Ms Francis' pre-op little soldier in such an unnatural state of non-arousal. No doubt they'll be scarred for life.

I'm particularly impressed by your organization's tenacity in pursuing this case. That's especially true of your colleague, Lisa Biron, who after noting your failure to get the county prosecutor interested, decided to model proper old-fashioned, family-values-style nude interaction between adults and girls by taking a teenage girl to Canada, having her engage in sexual activity and convincing her to let it be filmed.

Actually that sounds kind of bad, but I'm assuming, as an ADF attorney, she was simply trying to model good behavior.

Heterosexually yours,

Gen. JC Christian, patriot