The objective of OPERATION YELLOW ELEPHANT is to recruit College Republicans and Young Republicans to serve as infantry. They demanded this war and now viciously support it. It's only right that they also experience it.
The 56th College Republican National Convention (June 24-26) and the Young Republican National Convention (July 6-10; directions) are the settings for most of the ops.
The General encourages his readers to take the initiative to create materials and to plan and conduct special operations. Please let him know what you've done and he'll try to post it.
Regular readers know that the General is a proud heterosexual, Christian conservative. He is not trying to embarrass the College Republicans. Rather, he believes that by encouraging them to enlist, he is pushing them to be more vocal about the good work their doing to make our homeland safe--things like holding affirmative action bakesales, holding immigrant hunts, almost single-handedly funding Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and Michelle Malkin, relieving the elderly of the burden of having money, and punching out Joan Jett.
The first post - The General asks Rep. Mike Pence to ask the CR's to enlist when he speaks at their convention.
OPERATION YELLOW ELEPHANT stickers, buttons, tees, etc.
More materials -- A resolution to pass out at the CR convention, a poster that rates a 10 on the manly scale of absolute gender, and a web ad.
"Sign Up or Shut Up" stickers (free download), buttons, tees, etc.
OYE Bingo cards (free download), buttons, tees, etc.
Special Ops
Special Op "First Strike" - Ask the College Republican leadership to pass a resolution disbanding their organization and calling for its membership to enlist.
Special Op "Video Ninja" - Strike Teams will videotape encounters with CRs near their convention.
Mark's op - Mark sends a number of emails to the College Republican National Committee asking them to put links to recruiters on their site. They remain silent.
Special Op "Volunteer" - Taskforce Burnplant contacts CR organizations across the country and asks their members to enlist. This results in a lengthy Exchange with the Gonzaga College CRs.
Special Op "Adbusters" - Col. Crooks and Liars attempted to assist our nation's military recruiting efforts by placing a full page ad in the Official Program of the Young Republican National Convention. Unfortunately, the Young Republican leadership felt that such an appeal would, as the kids say, "put a harsh on their buzz.
Phase II - Karl Olson sprang for recruiting booths at the Young Republican National Convention, and the General proposes that people hold Bake Sales for Body Armor at their community festivals.
Blue Team Special Op "Fax-a-Fascist"
Red Team Special Op "Lucky Strike"
Red Team Special Op "Tikrit Taxi"
OPERATION YELLOW ELEPHANT Bingo -- Play America's favorite game using the excuses made by College Republicans for avoiding the war.
Special Op: "Army of Jeff" -- Armed with large jars of vasoline, an army of Gannons descend upon the Young Republican National Convention to ply their trade.
Letter to Nathan Taylor, Chair, Young Republicans - I congratulate Mr. Taylor for his organizations tremendous sacrifice. They're sending Chapstick to our troops. I also comment on Taylor's charge that we are going to disrespect veterans by infiltrating the Young Republican convention.
I uncover a sinister plot to destroy our military effectiveness.
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We'll try dumping haloscan and see how it works.