I can't wait to hear them whine when they learn that Sen. Lieberman picked up an endorsement from Angela Merkel.

More on Our Leader's groping habit.
Previous ads:
Endorsed by the Inquisitor General
Dick Cheney Endorsement (Mad as Zell)
Lynne Cheney Endorsement
Gannon Endorsement (Manwhores for Joe)
TV ads
The Bear
Loves Our Leader, Hates Grandmothers
Elsewhere: Lafayette hates Joe in the LA Times.
Update: Although I believe that inappropriate touching is a power granted to the President under Article 2 of the Constitution, I'm wondering if that's what really happened here. Merkel looks a lot like Harriet Miers, especially after a few drinks. Maybe Harriet and George have something consensual going on (remember her notes?) and he mistook Merkel for Miers after he had a few. There'd be nothing wrong with Our Leader having a concubine. He's our King David.