Tennessee House of Representatives
Dear Rep. Campfield,
It looks like all hell is breaking out at the statehouse. The equilitofascists are all in an uproar over this graphic a senate staffer named Sherri Goforth sent out in an email:

Lord knows she's apologized for sending the graphic to the wrong people, but decentpeoplocialists continue to demand that she be fired.
And she's not the only good #GOP staffer who's catching heat for sending stuff down the internets tubes today. South Carolina GOP operative Mike Green is under attack for this thing they call a tweet:
JUST HEARD OBAMA IS GOING TO IMPOSE A 40% TAX ON ASPIRIN BECAUSE IT'S WHITE AND IT WORKS.And yet another SC Republican activist, Rusty DePass, is reaping the whirlwind for posting this Facebook comment in response to news that a gorilla had escaped from a zoo:
I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's [Obama] ancestors - probably harmless.As the chair, vice chair, and member of the Tennessee House Republican Whites-Only Black Caucus, you're in a unique position to defend these folks. All you need to do is send out a press release castigating those who just can't laugh at a good Negro joke. They'll listen to you; you're Stacy X, the blackest white Confederate man since Don Black donned his Imperial Wizard hood.
Now, if that doesn't do the trick, you might consider taking the same approach Michelle "Our Lady of the Concentration Camps" Malkin and others employed to expose the Holocaust Museum shooter for the gun rights advocating, anti-government, minority-hating Obama-despising, anti-Bilderberger, birther liberal he is. You can do the same for Goforth, Green, and DePass. Sure, they all worked for the GOP, but that just shows you how devious these liberals are.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Aw, c'mon there people! It's just an image of the Cookie Monster after his electricity has been shut off (unable to pay because he had no dough).
ReplyDeleteSee? It's all good fun. And the jokes just write themselves! Seriously, the South will rise again, if only to reveal...oh, wait, is Annti-christ around? I have to be careful when I talk about the cracker mouth-breathers. She will cuss at me something fierce (and use ALL CAPS in the bargain) and dash me on the rocks of righteous indignation.
Anyway, I kind of miss my drug days, but it's stories like this that make it seem like they never went away.
Old habits die hard.
ReplyDeleteWe breathlessly await the Right's comments on the above. They who so righteously defended Her Governess's honor against that cur Letterman.
ReplyDeleteI was really hoping that the election of President Obama would result in black people and white people, you know, just getting along better. I may have misunderestimated what we are up against.
ReplyDeleteSurprise, surprise, Rep. Campfield is not taking comments. Coward.
ReplyDeleteStacey could almost be part of the Bush kin.
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